Giving back to the community!
They say that we do not realise the worth of anything we have until it is lost, and one thing we all overlook is our bodies. Busy in the rat race that is life, we all tend to forget appreciating our bodies and take undue risks. On the flipside, any form of adventure which make us feel alive such as skydiving, skiing or climbing mountains usually come with associated risks. Major H P S Ahluwalia was a mountaineering enthusiast, he has conquered the summit of several mountains across the country and the world including the almost mythical Mt. Everest. During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, he suffered a bullet injury which resulted in his confinement to a wheelchair. Instead of being discouraged from the ordeal, Major Ahluwalia decided to triumph over this injury and conquer it as well, just like all the mountains he has climbed. He started a hospital dedicated to research and treatment of injuries to the spine, called it ‘Spinal Injuries Center’. The hospital has served thousands of patients over the course of 26 years since its inception and has become a major resource to the industry.
On the 5th of May, celebrating 10 years of successful operations of the Senior Citizens Forum of Vasant Kunj, the hospital curated an event. Our girls gave a scintillating performance as part of the opening ceremony which was very well received by the audience. The girls started their incredible journey in Vasant Kunj and this was their tribute to their community! They danced their hearts out. See a phone shot video here!