Morning fun in the park!

Sarvam Shakti
3 min readJun 15, 2022


Ever since schools have closed down for summer holidays, the Shakti girls have embarked on a new and exciting journey. Every morning, they accompany Sarvams Chief Empowerment Officer, Hemangi ma’am to the park in the upscale locality of H Block, DLF Phase 1 to start their day with productive activities. Hemangi ma’am has been actively involved in track and athletics her whole life (she had represented Delhi at the Nationals for track and badminton in her school days!)and, possessing this deep understanding of the benefits of keeping oneself disciplined and fit inside out and passes it down to the young girls.

Morning Yoga in the park

The girls visit the Leisure Valley Park as well as the H5 Park, both upscale parks in Gurgaon, spaces they would not have access to outside of Sarvam. They run, jog, perform yoga (pranayam, laughter yoga) and have an active morning in contrast to feeling drowsy and lethargic after waking up. They are glad to see changes in their health and noted that their quality of sleep has improved tremendously.

The girls shared that they feel fruitful having utilized their morning for their own health, and they feel a certain kind of freedom coming outside of the walls of the house to clear their minds as they start their day. They look forward to interacting with peers and feel relaxed with a spike in energy, ready to take-in whatever the day has to offer!

Running with Hemangi Ma’am! Post workout pranayama!

The girls have had a mixed reaction from the residents of the areas around the parks. Unfortunately, the line between the working class and the upper class is sharply engraved in society still. Since the parks are placed at an upscale location, there have been a few instances where the girls felt like outsiders because of their backgrounds (as they share in the video). However, they continue in their endeavor unfazed and have impressed a majority of residents with their hard work and passion. Needless to say, Sarvam has their back and continues to provide the girls with such opportunities where they present themselves in front of the whole world.



Sarvam Shakti
Sarvam Shakti

Written by Sarvam Shakti

The Power of Self-Worth. A huge shift in the education and upliftment of the marginalized girl child. Now — #iunleashshakti on

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