The amazing volunteer teachers at Shakti!
“Teaching is a calling too….teachers in their way are holy-angels leading their flocks out of the darkness.” -Jeannette Walls
The girls at Sarvam Shakti are blessed with an abundance of wise individuals volunteering to teach them various subjects. These teachers impart their wisdom on the young girls with utmost passion, and the girls carry nothing but praises for them. They appreciate the teachers taking time out of their busy schedules and dedicating those few hours for their betterment. But what is it that makes these teachers come back every day? What is it that they obtain from teaching the girls?
One of the teachers Ritu Ma’am held the view that a vast majority of us in urban settlements come from a privileged background and have taken every opportunity for granted, as something that is bound to come our way. It is therefore our responsibility to do our share in providing the underprivileged with basic opportunities. It makes her feel satisfied and content knowing she contributed to the positive growth of the future generation of the nation. As Brigham Young said, “You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation”. In a patriarchal society where girls still possess the weakest power position in majority of rural areas, education- not just academic but as a whole, can play the role of an intellectual weapon. The teachers appreciate this remarkable contribution of Sarvam- of aiming at holistic growth.
Another teacher, Ruchi Ma’am who teaches spoken English emphasized on the importance of holding basic knowledge of the globally used language in an age like today. She applauds the efforts made by the kids at attempting to break out of their comfort zones and trying to speak English, even if it is broken. Every blooming plant was once a seed. The moment the kids start attempting any new endeavor, their self-realization as well as their confidence starts ascending. Even if the girls do not become flawlessly well-versed at a given skill, knowing they have reached a level they could only dream of earlier is enough motivation and fuel for the teachers.
All of the educators acknowledge that every new day at Sarvam is a new day of learning for them as well. They learn from the zeal, passion and struggle of the girls and feel gratified by their contributions. At the end of the day, the cheeky smiles and gratitude they receive from the girls provides them with ample serotonin and encouragement for them to continue in this mission, and gives them a new purpose in life.